Matthew R. Stover

Apr 1, 20222 min

Progression plans for all, but what does data mean to your students?

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

Never leave a student behind

Teachers who genuinely care about improving student retention are using data to drive instruction. Most counties use assessments and tools similar to CAASPP, Renaissance, and R360 to help teachers determine what adjustments need to be made to close the learning gap.

The million-dollar, two-part question here: Are all of your students progressing, and how do they know how they are doing?

When a noticeable achievement gap doesn’t exist, it can be easy for students to be left behind. Most students don’t even know what the data collected even means to them or their education. We can (and should) change that by producing progression plans for all students. This simple, yet valuable, practice will help everyone excel in their own areas of need while simultaneously making students equally responsible for their own success

Take the time out to explain the data and what it means, what they can do to advance, and how that will look in the data. Doing this will assist them to develop short- and long-term goals that they can track and monitor for progress.

Depending on your district, you already know where you are pulling the data from and what it means. Here are a few things to keep in mind for successful progression plan creation:

  • Create a consistent schedule for conferencing

  • Reviewing the data with the student is just as crucial as having them track their own progress.

  • Just because we know what the data means, doesn’t mean they do. The more they know, the more likely they will be to care about their own success.

How are you communicating the purpose of data to your students? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.
