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Engage Students with Esports for Today and the Future

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Find out how you can prepare students for college scholarships and more

While most people have only become aware of Esports in the last decade, the most popular entertainment sector has existed for fifty years. The first-ever Esports competition occurred at Stanford University in 1972, and the winner received a year's subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine. Over the years, Esports continued to grow in popularity and moved into mainstream consciousness when Twitch became popular in 2011.

Esports, short for electronic sports, is a form of video game competition. Colleges recognize Esports both as a legitimate venue for students to compete against players at other colleges. Schools are not only financially supporting their Esports teams, but they are also offering scholarships to attract talent. Schools like Harrisburg University provide full-tuition scholarships to talented Esports players and housing stipends.

Northwood University gives scholarships to top-notch incoming players and even a collegiate degree in Esports management. The University of Texas at Dallas offers one of the first Esports content creation programs, while Boise State University is known for having one of the best Esports broadcasting programs in North America.

With college Esports gaining more attention and financial backing each year, K12 education must take a proactive role in helping students prepare to take advantage of Esports's opportunities. That's why we created the California League of Esports.

Partnering with Mastery Coding, we provide support to schools wanting to start an Esports club or camp. These programs help prepare students for future jobs in STEM and create additional avenues for students to participate in school culture. Teams practice playing popular video games like Hearthstone and Fortnite, then battle other schools remotely in an epic California tournament clash!

Click here for more information about the California League of Esports and how you can start a club or camp at your school:

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