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Four ways to incorporate coding in your school

Updated: May 10, 2022

Prepare your students for future careers


Technology is everywhere. Even the youngest students are being exposed to technological advancements every day. Top-performing schools recognize that coding fosters creativity and teaches students critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. It also prepares them for future jobs as software engineers - one of the most in-demand careers in the world.

So why is coding still missing in classrooms across California? We're finding that administrators and teachers often feel a level of intimidation in regards to learning newer, complex skills. Whatever the root of the problem is, educators need to ensure that coding is happening in their schools now.

Here are four easy ways your school can dive into coding ASAP:

  • Visit for easy-to-use and engaging lesson plans for every grade level.

  • Form a Coding Committee that can collaborate on new ways to bring coding and technology to the school.

  • Look for affordable programs or events that capture family interest such as hosting a STEAM night, or consider forming a low-cost team to enter our esports league so students can experience a common gateway to STEM and coding.

  • Start a coding club or summer camp through our California League of Esports.

Have you implemented coding curriculum or clubs at your school? Share your experiences with us on Facebook and Twitter.


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