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Leading from the front

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

Here are three traits effective leaders demonstrate


At some point in our lives, we have encountered a phenomenal leader; someone who has inspired us to take pride in our tasks and perform at 110% whenever possible. That person could be anyone, maybe a principal, team leader, or your first-year mentor. How do leaders gain qualities to make a lasting impression? There are so many different ways to define an excellent leader, but we believe the most impactful ones consistently demonstrate these traits:

Positivity. What they say is true, positivity is contagious. You can instantly feel good vibes when leaders around you flip negativity into a positive learning experience. Seeing the good is not always an easy task, but talented leaders keep an open mind and search for the best outcome.

Empathy. Sensing and understanding others' emotions is crucial. Whether working with faculty, staff, parents, or scholars, empathy is THE building brick for forming loyal and productive relationships. The most impactful leaders practice perfecting empathy even in the most challenging situations.

Self-Accountability. Leaders who hold themselves accountable for doing the right thing and setting the right example make an enormous impact.

We aren’t saying other traits aren’t important, but if you find that you could improve on some of the traits listed here, consider taking a minute to reflect on steps you might take to create memorable and positive working, teaching, and learning experiences for others.

What are some other traits of effective leaders? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter!

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