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Quick ways ChatGPT can enhance classroom learning

No matter which side of the AI street you live on, there’s no doubt that it’s here to stay. It's presence will have a profound impact on how educators work and students learn.

Here's what we know: understanding how to use ChatGPT, Bard, or other AI platforms can greatly lighten your teacher load while helping you be able to guide your students toward a potentially AI-driven future.

Here are some potential ways you can use AI to enhance learning in your classroom.

Personalize the Literary Journey for Young Readers

In today's world of information, young readers no longer need to settle for generic or off-the-shelf reading content. Instead, they have the power to craft reading material that resonates deeply with their unique interests.

For example, English-Language Learners can prompt ChatGPT to

Write a simple story about soccer where _______________ (name of student) is the hero. Make it easy for someone new to English to read.

Set Clear Expectations - AI Policies

If your school hasn’t instituted an AI policy, you might want to consider it so the lines between plagiarism and “help” can be delineated when questions arise. Explaining how students may or may not utilize AI and in what capacity can help set expectations while simultaneously teaching them the parameters in which AI can be used within the confines of academic integrity.

EdTech recently published an article that guides district IT leaders in the establishment of a policy for their schools, while also helping to anticipate some of the fear and concern IT professionals and school leaders will encounter this school year. The U.S. Department of Education also weighed in, listing key insights into their stance on AI and how to approach it in your schools. They also offered this analogy for the future:

“We envision a technology-enhanced future more like an electric bike and less like robot vacuums. On an electric bike, the human is fully aware and fully in control, but their burden is less, and their effort is multiplied by a complementary technological enhancement.”

Lighten Your Load

Hands down, AI can also lighten the teacher load in more ways than one. From lesson planning to giving you the precise formula you need to take your Google Sheets to a grade-slinging machine, there is no shortage of teachers finding new ways to embrace and utilize AI as a tool in their classrooms, especially from their side.

Here are a few must-see solutions to some common teacher woes:

Streamline grading? Try Gradescope and EasyGrader.

Illustrate class stories? Try Shutterstock AI or DALL-E to generate custom images.

Ditch flashcards? Try QuizBot or Quizlet.

Organize thoughts & notes? Try Dragon Dictation or YouTube Summary Extension.

Upgrade presentations and handouts? Try Canva Magic Design or Slides AI.

AI is coming. Are you ready?

In the evolving landscape of education, AI is becoming a cornerstone, offering innovative ways for teaching and learning. Tools like ChatGPT and Bard can ease educators' tasks and customize student experiences. However, using AI ethically and setting clear boundaries is essential. By harnessing AI effectively, educators can reshape classroom experiences, making tasks simpler and outcomes richer. Ready to embrace this change?


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