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What your kids need after the holidays

2021 disappeared faster than a wink of an eye 😉. We hope you relaxed this past winter break and spent time with friends and family. Unfortunately, some of your students may not have had a holiday filled with joy and presents.

While we can’t control what happens when kids are not in school, we can create a warm and welcoming environment when they return. Here’s how you can make them feel “at home.”


Be intentional in your greeting. Teachers who create an authentic relationship with the WHOLE child have better learning outcomes than those who do not. What does that look like though?

  • Get on their level (both physically and socially) and ask them about something they find important.

  • Listen attentively and ask questions.

Provide a structured environment. Class time is productive when learning is organized and scheduled from bell to bell. While students may not actively understand the importance of having a prepared class, you’ll find they will have a better time feeling safe to explore educational concepts.

Infuse SEL strategies often and appropriately. Students feel better about themselves when they know how to navigate their feelings. Here are some tactics to try:

  • Start the day with a brief check-in

  • Give opportunities to work with partners

  • Create comfortable and calm space students can seek after completing work


What are other opportunities to create a welcoming educational environment for your students? Share them with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We’d love to hear from you!


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